
Questing at Fayhaven encompasses a variety of activities available to players. Quests typically involve accomplishing a task, which could range from collecting potion ingredients for a special brew to venturing into the Gristwood to encounter the dangerous creatures within. Quests are opportunities to engage in unique and dynamic experiences, often involving interactions with Non-Player Characters (NPCs). Players will be rewarded in shillings for the successful completion of a quest. The following section explains the various types of quests and the rules surrounding them.

  • Passive questing refers to quests that take place in the designated passive questing area known as “The Grove”. The Grove is a small forest within the safety of Fayhaven where players can go at any time during the game to collect natural resources and search for hidden treasures. The primary natural resource of the Grove is Ambergrist crystals. Players may collect any Ambergrist crystals they find and can then turn them in at the infirmary tent in exchange for shillings. Small treasure chests (the scattered fortune of a miserly Halfling who has passed on) are hidden throughout the Grove. Any chest that is locked MUST be unlocked by a rogue before being moved from where it was found. After opening a chest, players may keep the contents of the chest and then MUST return the chest (and lock) to the questing tent in town. Players may only carry ONE chest at any given time.

  • In-Town questing refers to quests obtained from NPCs within the town of Fayhaven. These quests typically revolve around assisting NPCs and other town-related entities in the completion of tasks. While any NPC can give out a quest, Pippa Rosewater, assistant to the mayor of Fayhaven, is a great person to talk to if a player is looking for a quest.

  • Gristwood questing refers to quests that involve entering the Gristwood. These quests are given out exclusively by Váli the Quest Giver at the questing tent in town. Players are NOT permitted to enter the Gristwood at any time unless on a quest given by Váli or as directed by other NPCs during specified plot points during the game. Gristwood questing will be running and available to players anytime Váli is at the questing tent. These quests could range anywhere from finding a rare mushroom for a potion, to tracking down a missing trade caravan, to killing a troll that’s gotten too close to town, to investigating newly discovered ruins, etc. etc. The party size for each quest will be limited (generally somewhere between 4-8 players) and each quest will cost a certain amount of shillings to go on. The cost of the quest typically relates to the complexity of the quest and the potential reward. Once a quest is purchased, the party will be given the details of the quest along with a map showing them where to go. Quests will also have a time limit associated with them. If a party returns to Váli having successfully completed the quest within the given timeframe, they will be rewarded with at least double the shillings they paid for the quest. If the players fail the quest but return to Váli within the given timeframe, they will be returned the amount of shillings they paid for the quest. If the players do not return to Váli at all within the given timeframe, they will not be able to get their shillings back and he will give the quest to another group.

Types of Questing

Additional Gristwood Questing Rules

  • While on a Gristwood quest, you must stay on the path that is shown on your map. Paths will be differentiated by color on the map you are given and will have corresponding colored ribbon tied to trees to mark each path. The intention of this rule is so that you will not run into another area of the woods which overlaps with another questing party during their quest.

  • The following rule applies only to rogues, as they alone have the ability to loot NPCs. Some NPCs will be carrying lootable pouches. These pouches will be cream colored canvas clearly marked with a large red "X". Rogues can negotiate with an NPC to give them their pouch or they can dispatch them and take it from them. NPCs will typically try to drop their loot pouch next to them right after dying. If they do not, rather than taking it off their belt, quietly ask them for it and they will give it to you. Remember to respect your NPCs!

  • While questing, players may encounter items with a small scroll attached to them or be given a small scroll by an NPC. These small scrolls represent either an enchantment or a curse. The player who is given the scroll or who interacts with an item with a scroll must open the scroll and read it to only themselves. The scroll will let them know if they have been enchanted or cursed, what the affects are, and how long it will last. Sometimes these scrolls will be completely blank which means that they have no effect. A player who is enchanted/cursed CANNOT tell anyone that they are enchanted or cursed or say directly what affect it is having on them. Therefore, the more effectively they roleplay the symptoms of said curse/enchantment, the easier it will be for other players to detect it and attempt to resolve it. Mages who successfully cast the "Detect Magic" spell are given the enchantment/curse scroll by the affected player and they can share that information with others. If players desire to remove a curse before it naturally goes away, they should seek out an Elder Mage who will likely be able to assist them in finding the resolution for that specific curse.